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TBSI 2018-2019年秋季学期课表.pdf

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TBSI 2018-2019年秋季学期课表.pdf

上课时间表(全部) 节次 周一 Distributed Control and Optimization of Power Systems Xu Yinliang 1-16 weeks 8:30-11:10 C3-2011 Learning from Data Huang Shaolun 1-16 weeks 9:20-12:00 C3-2005 能源储存与转化:材料和器件 Wei Guodan and Kang Feiyu 1-8 weeks t 8:30-10:05 i C3-2003 m e Vision and Imaging Science s Xiaohua Gong 周二 运筹学 Operations Research 肖皪 1-16 weeks 8:30-11:10 大学城C3-206 Vision and Imaging Science Xiaohua Gong Week 9 8:30-12:00 C3-2002 电力系统优化方法论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 Week 9 8:30-12:00 C3-2002 混沌和复杂性--系统动力学方法 Chaos and Complexity – System Dynamics Approach Slav Hermanowicz 7-9 weeks 8:30-10:05 C3-2001 周三 Introduction of physics chemistry disciplines Wei Guodan 1-8 weeks 8:30-10:05 C3-2005 (enlarge the capacity) 周四 电力系统优化方法论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 Biophotonics for Engineers Ma Hui Vision and Imaging Science 混沌和复杂性--系统动力学方法 1-16 weeks Xiaohua Gong Chaos and Complexity – System 8:30-10:05 C3-2003 Week 9 Dynamics Approach 8:30-10:05 Slav Hermanowicz ITS and High-accuracy Positioning C3-2002 7-9 weeks Technologies (86000062) 8:30-10:05 Miao Lixin and Zhang Kai 电力系统优化方法论 C3-2001 3-4 weeks Optimization methods for 8:30-12:00 power systems 英语专业写作与表达English C3-2005 Javad Lavaei Academic Writing and Week 15 Communication 电力系统优化方法论 9:20-12:00 刘丽莎 Optimization methods for power systems C3-2001 1-16weeks Javad Lavaei 8:30-10:05 Week 15 C3-2005 9:20-12:00 (newly added) C3-2001 午 Learning from Data Huang Shaolun 1-16 weeks 9:20-12:00 C3-2005 Materials Chemistry Bilu Liu 1-12 weeks 10:25-12:00 t Intelligence Industry Park C3-2003 i m Vision and Imaging Science e Xiaohua Gong s Week 9 8:30-12:00 C3-2002 周六 电力系统优化方法 论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 周日 知识产权管理Intellectual Property Management 何隽 Week 1-2、4-5、7 8:30-12:00 大学城C3-206 上课时间 电力系统优化方法论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 第一小节 8:30~9:15 第二小节 9:20~10:05 混沌和复杂性--系统动力学方法 Chaos and Complexity – System Dynamics Approach Slav Hermanowicz 7-8 weeks 8:30-10:05 C3-2001 上 Distributed Control and Optimization of Power Systems Xu Yinliang 1-16 weeks 8:30-11:10 C3-2011 周五 Computational materials and materials genome initiative 邹小龙 1-16 weeks 9:20-12:00 C3-2011 运筹学 Operations Research 肖皪 1-16 weeks 8:30-11:10 大学城C3-206 Vision and Imaging Science Xiaohua Gong Week 9 8:30-12:00 C3-2002 电力系统优化方法论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 Dynamics of Environmental Systems: Principles of Mass Transformation and Energy Flow 张锡辉、吴光学、李炳 1-16 weeks 10:25-12:00 C3-2011 英语专业写作与表达 English Academic Writing and Communication 刘丽莎 1-16weeks 10:25-12:00 C3-2005 电力系统优化方法论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 能源环境与数据信息概论 Computational materials and materials genome 大学城Energy-Environment and initiative Data-Information 100 level course 邹小龙 1-16 weeks 9-16 Weeks 9:20-12:00 10:25-12:00 C3-2011 C3-206 Vision and Imaging Science Xiaohua Gong Week 9 10:25-12:00 C3-2002 Introduction to Mechanobiology Ma Shaohua 3-10 weeks 10:25-12:00 C3-2003 精准医疗平台的设计及其疾病 诊断和治疗应用Design of Precision Medicine Platforms for Disease Diagnosis and Therapeutics 1-8 weeks 10:25-12:00 智园C3-2005(Classroom changed) ITS and High-accuracy Positioning Technologies (86000062) Miao Lixin and Zhang Kai 3-4 weeks 8:30-12:00; and 5-16 weeks 10:25-12:00 C3-2005 电力系统优化方法论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 电力系统优化方法论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 电力系统优化方法 论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 知识产权管理Intellectual Property Management 何隽 1-2周、4-5周、7周 8:30-12:00 大学城C3-206 电力系统优化方法论 Optimization methods for power systems Javad Lavaei Week 15 9:20-12:00 C3-2001 第三小节 10:25~11:10 第四小节 11:15~12:00 MEMS and its application Xiaohao Wang, Liwei Lin 13-16 weeks 2:00-4:25 Intelligence Industry Park C3-2001 Current Topics in Cancer Biology Peter Lobie 9-16 weeks 2:00-4:25 C3-2003 t i m e s Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 丘陵 1-12 weeks 2:00-3:35 C3-2005(classroom changed) Introduction of Photonics Fu Hongyan 1-16 weeks 2:00-4:25 C3-2011 下 午 t i m s Fundamentals of applied information theory Lin Zhang 1-16 weeks 4:35-6:10 C3-2005 MEMS and its application Xiaohao Wang, Liwei Lin 13-16 weeks 2:00-4:25 Intelligence Industry Park C3-2001 Biophotonics for Engineers Ma Hui 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 weeks 2:00-3:35 C3-2008 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 丘陵 1-12 weeks 2:00-3:35 C3-2005(classroom changed) Advanced Managerial Economics Kong Ying 1-8 weeks 2:00-5:20 C3-2005 MEMS and its application Xiaohao Wang, Liwei Lin 13-16 weeks 2:00-4:25 Intelligence Industry Park C3-2001 MEMS and its application Xiaohao Wang, Liwei Lin 13-16 weeks 2:00-4:25 Intelligence Industry Park C3-2001 知识产权管理Intellectual Property Management 何隽 1-2周和4-5周 2:00-4:25 大学城 Vision and Imaging Science Xiaohua Gong Week 9 2-5:20 C3-2002 第五小节 2:00~2:45 第六小节 2:50~3:35 第七小节 3:40~4:25 Estimation and Control of Dynamical Systems 张璇 1-16 weeks 2:00-4:25 C3-2011 Computational Photography 方璐 1-16 weeks 2:00-4:25 C3-2003(classroom changed) Advanced Managerial Economics Kong Ying 1-8 weeks 2:00-5:20 C3-2005 Vision and Imaging Science Xiaohua Gong Week 9 2-5:20 C3-2002 第八小节 4:35~5:20 第九小节 5:25~6:10 第十小节 6:20~7:05 晚 上 t i m e s 材料化学Materials Chemistry Bilu Liu 1-12 weeks 7:20-8:55 Intelligence Industry Park C3-2003 备注:深圳上课时间与北京不一样 Current Topics in Cancer Biology Peter Lobie 9-16 weeks 7:20-9:45 C3-2003 Introduction to Mechanobiology Ma Shaohua 3-10 weeks 7:20-8:55 C3-2003 第十一小节 7:20~8:05 第十二小节 8:10~8:55 第十三小节 9:00~9:45 制表日期:2016年09月01日
