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复旦大学外国留学生(非学历)终止进修申请表 APPLICATION FORM FOR NON-DEGREE STUDENTS TO DISCONTINUE THE STUDY 姓名 中文名 Chinese Name 学号 Name 护照名 Passport Name Student ID □ 女/F □ 男/M 性别 Sex 护照号码 Nationality 签证或居留许可有效期 Passport No. Expiration of Visa or Residence Permit □语言进修生/Language Student □普通进修生/ General Advanced Student 学生类别 Student Category 国籍 □高级进修生/Senior Student □研究学者/ Research Scholar 从/from 日/D 至/to 原定学制 Current Study Term 年/Y 院系/Department 月/M 年/Y 月/M 日/D 专业/Major E-mail 本人申明/Statement: 我已知晓向学校提出终止进修书面申请后,自报到之日起超过两周,已缴付的本学期学 费不退还。 我承诺在获得学校批准后的十天内办完签证或居留许可注销手续。 此后我的一切行为均与学校无关,由我本人负责。 I understand that after the first two weeks since registration, there will be no refund of the tuition that I have paid after I submit this form. I promise to cancel my residence permit or shorten the validity of visa within 10 days if my application is approved. From now on, I, instead of the institution, will bear full responsibility for my own actions. 签 名/ Signature 院系审批意见(Approval of Department): 日期/Date: 教学院长签字/Dean’s Signature 日期/Date: 外国留学生工作处备案(For ISO): 经办人签名: 年 月 日
