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浙江大学生命科学研究院 博士研究生海外评审实施细则(修订) 第一条 为贯彻落实《浙江大学生命科学研究院研究生学位申请 实施办法(修订) 》 (简称《办法》 ),进一步规范博士研究生(简称 “博士生”)海外评审制度,特制定本实施细则。 第二条 符合《办法》中有关海外评审要求的博士生,在导师同 意的前提下可向研究生事务委员会提出书面申请,要求在正式申请学 位前 45 天提交申请,并按指定格式撰写的与学位论文对应的英文研 究报告。 第三条 由研究生事务委员会指定 5 位相关领域 PI 对申请者提 交的英文研究报告进行初步评定,有 4 位及以上 PI 表示该研究已达 到生研院博士生毕业水平,则该申请通过海外评审预审。 第四条 海外评审采用“双向隐名”方式,即在评审过程中隐去作 者和评审专家姓名。 第五条 海外评审的研究报告由院研究生教务工作人员送至相关 领域的 5 名国外同行专家(要求为独立 Principal Investigator)进行 评审,海外评审专家由专家库中推荐 3-4 名专家和博士生导师推荐 1-2 名专家组成。经 4 位或以上专家评定该研究报告学术水准达到其 所在院校博士毕业生的平均水平即为通过。 第六条 通过海外评审的博士生可按正常流程提交学位论文。学 位论文在教育部学位评估平台隐名评阅结果要求达到 4 良 1 中及以上 即可继续按正常流程申请答辩和学位。如评阅通过但未达 4 良 1 中可 申请进行毕业答辩,答辩通过者可申请毕业,但不能申请学位。学生 可在毕业三年内凭发表满足毕业要求学术论文的证明材料申请学位。 第七条 若学位论文经抽查或隐名评阅后不合要求,依照《浙江 大学博士硕士学位论文抽查及结果处理暂行办法》(浙大发研〔2014〕 105 号)进行处理。 第八条 海外评审费用由博士生所在实验室承担。 第九条 每个实验室两次申请海外评审间隔时间应不少于 2 年。 如果实验室有学生已通过海外评审毕业但未授予学位,在其毕业三年 内授予学位前,该实验室不得再次申请海外评审。 第十条 本细则即日起实施,由研究生事务委员会负责解释。 浙江大学生命科学研究院 2018 年 1 月 28 日 附件:Formatting Requirements of the Research Summary Formatting Requirements of the Research Summary The summary should be arranged in the following order: title, abstract, introduction, results, discussion, references, figure legends, tables, and figures. The summary should be submitted as an all-inclusive PDF file less than 10M.  A4 size paper, 1.9cm left and right margins and 2.5cm top and bottom margins.  11-point Times New Roman font.  Single-spaced text throughout.  Number all pages, including those with figures.  No supplemental information allowed.  Within 20 pages in total.  Names of authors should not be indicated. Specific Instruction Title   Should be intelligible to reviewers who are not specialists in the field and should convey your essential points clearly. Should be short and informative (less than two lines). Abstract   Should succinctly and clearly describe the major findings of the study. Must not exceed 250 words. Introduction    Presents the purpose of the study and its relationship to earlier work in the field. Should not be an extensive review of the literature. Usually less than one formatted page. Results  Presented in figures, tables, or text. Discussion    Concise (usually less than one formatted page). Focused on the interpretation of the results. Should not repeat information in the “Results” section. References     Cited in text by number only. References should include titles. Numbered consecutively in the order of appearance. If you use EndNote, use the JBC EndNote style. Examples: 1. MacDonald, G. M., Steenhuis, J. J., and Barry, B. A. (1995) A difference Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study of chlorophyll oxidation in hydroxylamine-treated photosystem II. J. Biol. Chem.270, 8420–8428 2. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis, T. (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd Ed., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY Instruction for preparing tables & figures The number of tables and figures used to present data essential to illustrate or prove a point should be kept to a minimum. Tables Tables should have titles and sufficient experimental detail in a legend immediately following the title to be understood without reference to the text. Each column in a table must have a heading. Abbreviations, when necessary, should be defined in the legend. Very large tables that cannot fit on a single page such as high throughput data should be simplified or summarized and presented as figures . Figures      Policy on image manipulation While certain modifications of primary data are often needed for clarity and/or brevity, image manipulation for deceptive purposes, to unfairly enhance or eliminate or otherwise obscure data, is misconduct and will be addressed as such. For graphic material, we have adopted the policy of The Journal of Cell Biology: “No specific feature within an image may be enhanced, obscured, moved, removed, or introduced. The groupings of images from different parts of the same gel, or from different gels, fields or exposures must be made explicit by the arrangement of the figure (e.g., using dividing lines) and in the text of the figure legend. Adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable if they are applied to every pixel in the image and as long as they do not obscure, eliminate, or misrepresent any information present in the original, including the background. Nonlinear adjustments (e.g., changes to gamma settings) must be disclosed in the figure legend.” Multipanel figures (figures with parts labeled A, B, C, D, etc.) should be assembled into a composite as their final form and should be within one page. It is extremely important that figures be prepared with the proper resolution and size in order to avoid inaccurate presentation of the data. Figures should have titles and legends containing sufficient detail to make the figure easily understood. Legends should be organized consecutively in a separate section of the manuscript. Indicate the figure number on each figure. Figures have to be submitted with the text in the order specified above in a single PDF file.
