澳 門 科 技 大 學 MACAU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 研究生獎學金申請表格 Application for Postgraduate Scholarships 請以正楷填寫 Please use capital letters I. 個人資料 Personal Details 中文姓名 Name in Chinese 出生日期 Date of Birth 身份證文件類別 Type of Identification Document □身份證號碼 英文姓名 Name in English 性別 Sex I.D. Card No. □其他(請註明) Others (Please specify) 號碼 No. 通訊地址 Correspondence Address: 住宅電話 Home Telephone 傳真號碼 FAX Number 有效日期 發出地點 有效日期 發出地點 Valid Until Place of Issue Valid Until Place of Issue 其他聯絡電話 Other Contact Number 電郵 E-mail Address II. 擬申請入讀課程 Intended Program of Study □ 博士學位課程 Doctoral Program 課程名稱 首選 Name of Program First Choice 專業 Major □ 碩士學位課程 Master Program 課程名稱 次選 Name of Program Second Choice 專業 Major III. 學習期間獲獎 學習期間獲獎勵 情況 需提供證明文件) 期間獲獎勵情況(需提供證明文件 需提供證明文件 Details of awards during study (Attach supporting documents) 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ IV. 研究成果( 研究成果(或發表論文) 或發表論文)Research Publications or Thesis 1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 注意事項 NOTE 所有連同本表格遞交之文件,本大學不予退還。 All documents submitted together with this application form will not be returned to the applicant. 2. 本人明白及接受研究生獎學金之規則。 1. I understand and accept the regulations governing Postgraduate Scholarships. 本人謹此聲明,上述資料皆確實無誤,如有填報不實資料,貴校有權取消本人之獎學金資格。 I declare that all the particulars entered in this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that the University has the right to terminate my scholarship at any time if any information given in this application form is found later to be false or incorrect. 申 請 人 簽 署 Signature of Applicant 日期 Date SGS/004-03/FEB09-E