FLIA暑期学校开始招生啦 - 通知公告 - 法学院.pdf
1 2 FLIA Youth FLIA’s mission includes working together with young people to create a global mindset and foster respect for comparative ideas and legal perspectives. The FLIA Youth program provides reliable educational resources for international students. The fundamental goal is to help youth become well-‐rounded global citizens with an international mindset. For this purpose, FLIA launched the FLIA Youth | Global Civics project and invites young people to join us in our exciting series of programs. FLIA Youth aims to increase the participation of young people in international affairs, strengthen their legal capacity and competitiveness in the era of globalization, and encourage those with international views to engage in global governance and development. FLIA Youth | Global Civics Summer Legal Training Program July 17-31, 2017 Washington, D.C. The program activities include courses, presentations, field trips, and cultural The FLIA Youth | Global Civics program provides reliable and social events. educational resources for international students. The Students in the Program benefit by fundamental goal of this program is to help the youth returning to their own countries with become well-‐rounded global citizens with an new perspectives and knowledge about international mindset. The 2017 Summer Legal Training the legal system and legal education in Program is custom-‐designed to meet the training goals of other countries or jurisdictions. The international college students who are seeking to enroll in teachers and directors in this program a foreign law school or work in an international law firm. are all reputable and experienced FLIA scholars as well as professors from other well-‐known institutions and universities. Outstanding students will have the opportunity to receive a FLIA Scholarship and a recommendation for LLM programs at US law schools. A Comprehensive Understanding of the US Legal System and Preparation for US Legal Education The theme of the 2017 Summer Legal Training Program is “A Comprehensive Understanding of the US Legal System and Preparation for US Legal Education,” which consists courses, presentations, visits to U.S. law schools, field trips to the Capitol and the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as other cultural events. The program aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the U.S. legal system and legal education, make the elements of the U.S. legal system and education more accessible and easier for students to invoke, equip students who to wish to attend a U.S. law school with necessary written and oral communication skills, and provide students with information searching skills and career guidance as legal professions. Study materials will be provided for students in each course. Students will be evaluated by professors in each course. The program will be held in Washington, D.C. from July 17-‐31, 2017. All courses and filed trips will be all in D.C. Students will be living on the campus of American University, which is located in Washington, D.C. Certification & Awards Students will be evaluated by professors in each course. Students who finished the program will receive the Summer Legal Training Program Certification from FLIA. The student who earns the highest score will be awarded with FLIA scholarship of $1000. Top 10 students will be recommended for one or more of the top 50 American Law Schools for LLM program. 1 2 Day 1 Day 2 Free Time Day 6 Field Trip to the Supreme Court of the United States and the Capitol. Day 7 Course Session 1.2: The U.S Legal System and Sub-Systems. This session focuses on the principal components that together make up the U.S. legal system and their implications for legal culture. The session focuses on three forms of law sub-systems. The first includes law articulated by the courts – common law and equity. The second touches on law articulated by legislatures–statutes and the administrative regulations promulgated by statutorily created agencies. The third focuses on emerging systems of governance beyond the state–private regulation, hybrid publicprivate regulation, and social norms. Experience sharing: studying law abroad Visit Law School; Introduction to US Legal Education Day 4 Presentation 1: A comparison of the US and Chinese legal systems This presentation introduces the formation of U.S. legal culture and compares historical Chinese legal traditions with those of the U.S. to help the Chinese students build a connection between the two. Presentation 2: To Become an Information Searching Pro Day 5 Course Session 1.4: Hierarchies of Law Day 10 Field Trip to the National Archives and the Monuments. Day 11 Course Session 2.1: Legal Writing in English Welcome ceremony; Overview of the program; Day 3 Day 9 Course Session 1.1: The Meaning of Law in the U.S. This session sets out a detailed roadmap and introduces the principal background, vocabulary, institutions and forms, starting with the issue of the connection between law, justice and the state. Day 8 Course Session 1.3: The Role of the Courts in the Application of Law Judicial Review, Methodologies of Interpretation, and Legitimacy closes the circle by bringing the focus back to the courts and their engagement with law. This session touches on the doctrine of judicial review and the legalization of the authority to interpret and apply law beyond common law. It also considers the techniques of judicial interpretation and their relationship to judicial legitimacy. The development of hierarchies of law within the domestic legal order of the United States and then the relationship of domestic to international law. Course Session 3.1: Public Speaking in English Day 12 Course Session 2.2: Legal Writing in English Course Session 3.2: Public Speaking in English Day 13 Course Session 2.3: Legal Writing in English Course Session 3.3: Public Speaking in English Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Farewell Party and Valedictorian Award Free Time Return Flight Aliquam commodo nisi The cost for each student is 4100 USD, which includes tuition, accommodation, meals, study materials, and field trips. It does not include cost of air tickets, visa application and travel insurance. Fusce quis lacus To apply for this program, please click http://flia.org/fliayouth/summer-program-application-form/ to register and pay. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the program instructor Xiaofu Li via cellphone (15880051183) or Shaoming Zhu via email (shaomingzhu@flia.org). The due for application is May 31, 2017. Students are responsible for the cost of their visa application, airline tickets, and travel insurance. For those students who need assistance with visa applications, airline tickets and/or obtaining travel insurance, please contact us at contact@flia.org. Curabitur vitae erat Our program instructor Xiaofu Li will be available to meet students in Beijing and fly to D.C. on July 16, and fly back to Beijing on August 1. Students may join the group or make their own travel plans individually. Details about accommodations will be emailed to students who have successfully registered. 常见问题 1. 本项目的食宿是如何安排的? 本项目的食宿均安排在美利坚大学校 园内。美利坚大学宿舍属于典型的美 国大学宿舍,分成双人间和三人间。 一日三餐也均在大学食堂内,包括西 餐和中餐。通过吃住学均在校园内的 方式让学生全方位体验在美国大学内 的学习和生活。 项目举办地:美利坚大学 历 史 : 美利坚大学创校于公元 1893 年,为一所拥有超过百年历史的私立大学,师资阵容坚 强,教学严谨,师生比例大约在 1:14。学校主要有 7 个学院,华盛顿法学院、文理学院、商学 院、传播管理学院、国际服务学院、公共事务学院和教育学院。美利坚大学的华盛顿法学院、 商学院和传媒学院都在美国享有盛誉。 地理位置:华盛顿特区在马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州之间。虽然学校位于华盛顿郊区的位置,但是 实际距离白宫仅有 4 英里远,经常有许多政坛上的风云人物应邀到学校演讲。开过一片大使馆 区,到 Dupont Circle 就正式进入华盛顿特区的中心区域。整体上来说学校附近是一片较为安静 的区域,有森林和成片的别墅。 景观:华盛顿有众多的人文景观,例如美国华盛顿国家广场有美国国会大厦、白宫、华盛顿纪 念碑、杰斐逊纪念堂、林肯纪念堂、富兰克林·罗斯福纪念碑、国家第二次世界大战纪念碑、 朝鲜战争老兵纪念碑、越南战争老兵纪念碑、哥伦比亚特区第 一次世界大战纪念碑和爱因斯坦 纪念碑。和特区内的博物馆一样,大多免费开放。华盛顿纪念碑可乘电梯到顶,观赏特区的景 色。 2. 参与本项目的主要收获会有什 么? 本项目的课程以帮助学生进入美国法 学院学习或者进入国际律师事务所工 作为目的,为学生提供必要的知识、 素质和技能基础。完成项目的学生不 仅可以得到结业证书,而且本项目将 为表现最为优异的学生提供 1000 美 金的奖学金。同时,表现前十名的学 生将获得绿色通道机会,被推荐给美 国法学院攻读 LLM 学位。 3. 自由活动时间学生可以做什 么? 自由活动时间内,学生可以自由在校 园内参观。如需离开校园单独活动, 则需要向项目导师报备去向,并自行 负责安全事宜。如需离开校园参与集 体活动,则可由项目导师带队。