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Prof. Dong Faqin President of Southwest University of Science and Technology Mianyang, Sichuan, P.R. China 621010 March,2ft,2}22 Congratulation Letter to the 70th Anniversary of Southwest University of Science and TechnologY From: President of Hanoi MeNon Limited Company Dear Prof. Dong Faqin, I am delighted to hear that SWUST is celebrating its 70th Anniversary of the founding. On behalf of all faculty members at Hanoi MeNon Limited Company, I would like to alumni extend our waffnest congratulations and best wishes to SWUST staff, students and both in China and abroad on the occasion of this milestone' "A shinning pearl is emerging from the sea in the southwest, newfound fame and reputation are being enjoyed in China". It is stated so beautifully in the university's introduction. In the past 70 years, since the establishment of SWUSI you have made outstanding achievements in talent training and innovation and have made significant contributions to regional economic development. The future is built on the solid foundation established over the past 70 years. This 70th the next anniversary celebration is also a significant milestone and a starting point for your next decades. We believe that you will carry forward the tradition and more towards goal in line with the dreams and ambitions of its founders' The friendship and cooperation between your universities and Hanoi MeNon Limited and Company has lasted for years. On this grand celebration I hope that universities Hanoi MeNon Limited Company will further enhance friendship, strengthen cooperation and work together towards mutual progress and closer partnership. I hope the anniversary celebration is a complete success! I wish your university prosperity and all the best for the future! Yours sincerely , President of Hanoi MeNon CONG-TY \ \z\t ffiCuntluxlrt!.\r' lI ldttc ultsltt xult ME NON )l* .xir n6lf Di Bo t 中华人民共和国 四川省绵阳市 西南科技大学 董发勤教授 2022 年 3 月 21 日 西南科技大学七十周年校庆贺信 来自:越南河内美农产品贸易有限公司董事长 尊敬的董发勤教授: 悉闻西南科技大学即将迎来建校七十周年校庆庆典,我十分高兴!值此里程 碑时刻,我谨代表越南河内美农产品贸易有限公司全体员工,特向贵校所有师生 及海内外校友致以最诚挚的祝愿和问候。 “西南明珠出沧海,桃李春风物华新”。学校简介中的这句话是多么得优美! 建校七十年以来,SWUST 在人才培养创新领域取得了卓越成就,并为推动区域 经济发展作出了重要贡献。 七十年的艰苦卓绝为未来的发展奠定了坚实的基础。对西南科技大学来说, 七十周年校庆既是一个重要的里程碑时刻,亦是未来十年的一个新起点。我们相 信,在学校领导的伟大愿景和雄心壮志的领导之下,西南科技大学定将继往开来, 昂首向下一个目标挺进。 贵校与越南河内美农产品贸易有限公司之间的友谊和合作由来已久。值此校 庆盛典,希望我们能够继续升华友谊、深化合作,努力实现共同进步和友谊长青。 祝愿校庆活动取得圆满成功! 祝愿西南科技大学蓬勃发展、未来一切顺利! 祝好 越南河内美农产品贸易有限公司董事长 狄波
