脶跚 MⅢ Ⅲ岫 ∶ arn Fung卩 oundat∶ on,Koq University l-.ku。 edu。 tr) Togetherˇ th it$partners the、 用ctor and Ⅵ Ⅱ v∶ `∶ is丨 ooking for6taIented PhD cand∶ dates from Ch∶ na forthe2016ˉ 17aCaden,∶ c yeaL the Victor and WIⅡ iarn Fung Foundation haVe estabⅡ shed the Fung Graduate FeⅡ oWsh|p progrδ m for students from China(inc|uding Hong κong)who are adrnitted by κoq University to pursue phE》 degree$。 The Program is designed to support PhD candidates to carry out scientif∶ a fourˉ year per∶ od,durⅠ ng which thoy、 ″Ⅱ|write their doctoral thQs∶ c research at KoG UniVersity over s generating new scient∶ 俏c know1edge。 ■One ofthe Ieading un:ˇ ers:tIes In Turkey,currentIy ranked ranked13thin The T∶ 1η es Higher Educau° n BRlCs& 、 Emerg:ng Economies Rankings20彳 6oftop100uniˇ ersities。 ·32Ms/M``and23PhD lDrograms across4gFaduate schools(sc:ences and εngineering,social sciences and Huma潲 es,Bus:ness,HeaIth sciences)aⅡ taught彳 00%:n EngI:sh tⅡ o 95°/。 of KU卩 acuIty haˇ e advanced degrees from top~tier Us and European inst:tut:ons ●25°/o of students at graduate1eˇ eI are internat:ona奋 ·M汪 刂°rity of our PhD graduates are pIaced amongstthe best un∶ vers⒒ ies worldwide 狸ven`year6PhD students fron1a"d:scipⅡ nes、″ tfrom the Fung Graduate Fe"owshIp(F6F)pr° gram。 "I bene】 皿 The Fung Craduate Fe"owship Program vd"prov:de ■Tuition cost ■MOnthIy stipend of Vs$1350for the entire period of study(4years) 衤The stⅡ end:s60%h咆 herthan the regular PhD stipend at Koq Un:versity. ■Coverage of PhD thes:s related expenses ∷∷ ∵∷ ∶ 亠 。 限 … 送 茁Ⅰ Ⅰ ∞ 。 Ι噶 u¨ Eˉ Ns accom咖 maiI Global ReCruitment Team on study@ku。 edu。 tr ∷ Ⅱ ∷∷ ∷∷∷ :::+∶ phE冫 ∷Ⅱ reer℃ Fn可 拄:泔 "eP∶ 卩 :尉 MeCha0ical Enginee"n9 PhD Physics 屮 F∵ ∵ 万∷ 旒 厶 驷 =∶ :||Ⅱ 嫩驷 ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ PhD DeJgn,Techndogy∞ -∶ sooety∷ ∷ Graduate schooI of臼 ug∶ GⅡ 0d“ i眈 0∷ school of Health sciences |∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ "ess 0 ∷∷∷∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ PhD Bus;ness A0晶 奋 油stratbn(M∷ 由rkoung,Management and ∷∷ ∵∷ gsb。 ku· edu· gshs。 ku。 edu△ r strategy,F:冖 aht念 氵opo'古 0° h。 and Information systems) PhD Bio” ρoical scIences ohd EngInee"ng PhD M01oCular8i° logy an-Genetics PhE冫 programs app"cation deadl:neis May-June every yea∴ Vis∶ tlink beIoW for appl:cation procedures and more deta:ls for each program。 https:``graduate。 ku。 edu^r/ pIease:nd:cate on your statement of Purpose that you would I:ke to app:y for a Fung Graduate Fe"owshIp。 κong and Macau、 ″ho haVe CompIeted a Bachelors or Master’ s degree in Chinese citizens::v;ng in China,Hong a reputabIe uniˇ ersity Preference、 ″ "I be given to studonts from the fo"owing Fung schOIars&Fe"ows Partner Vniversit:es Ma∶ nland China· Fudan Vniˇ ers汪 y· Harb∶ n Institute of TechnoIogy.NanⅡ ng un∶ versky· Peking Vniver$沁 y ·Renmin uniˇ ersity of Ch:na· shangha∶ Jiao TOng Vn∶ ˇers∶ ty· sun Yatˉ sen Un∶ ˇers⒒ y· Tsinghua Un:versky ·X:amen Vniversity· zhejiang Vn:vers∶ ty Hong κong· Cky Vniˇ ers⒒ y of Hong κong· Hong K0ng Bapt∶ st Vnivers⒒ y· L∶ ngnan Vniˇ ers:ty ·The Ch∶ nese Vn∶ vers:ty of HOng κong· The HOng Kong Po1ytechnic Vniˇ ersky ·丁he Hong Kong Vniversky of sc∶ ence and Technology.The Univers"y of HOng Kong : κ°c uniˇ ers⒒ y(KU),f° unded in日 993as private nonˉ pro们 t un:vers:ty,offers a wOrId class educa畜 ional exper:ence in Istanbul,Turkey. KV embraces students、 ″ho haˇe successfu"y acquired a Bs degree and、 ″ant to pursue Ms/MA Or PhE〉 degrees。 W;th:ts woHd Class education,focus on R&E、 g1oba"y acclaimed facu蚪 y and students f"Ied、 ″:th the desire弋 o Iearn& research,KU :nVkes graduate students to eXper:encρ t|Io o诠 hter。 f exce"ence。 吕 The、 淡ct° rand VV∶ 11:aⅡ 1Fung Foundation was estab"shed in2006to conlmemorate tⅡ 0∴ 1poth anniversa冂 r0f∷ ∷ ∶ 忌 百:ll:∶ ∶ 器硝ζ m:J∶ 玎 品 j点RT1::∶ ∶111:l厝 ∶ F∵ 旯 exchan:ep茈 珀 浅 ”?早 默:if百 ;l;lI胬 Jl∶ #T胃 瑟巳 tu、忑⒒ 洼 I1J甘 rξ ;;只 j1∶ ;Ij钅 ;扌 i脊 den“ FJl扌 ram|∷ ht :忄 ::∶ 司m 公m 咖 枷 佥咖 濉 ⒁ 葸蛳 〓 毗 荡 氏囤 骺 黟果⒏ EⅢ Ⅱ v ::1奋 :1】 I1甘 l息 眭