社會服務 SOCIAL SERVICES 學校聚焦國家重大戰略,以“藝科融合、科教融合、產教融合”為主線,深度參與 With a focus on major national strategies and the principle of “integrating art with 社會經濟文化建設:近年承擔來自政府、企事業單位的 600 余項委託創作設計項目, science, science with education, and industry with education”, GAFA is profoundly 推出了包括深圳城雕《開荒牛》、珠海城雕《珠海漁女》、長沙橘子洲頭《毛澤東 青年藝術雕塑》、北京 2022 年冬奧會吉祥物“冰墩墩”等具有高度社會影響力的 公共藝術作品;先後承擔香港、澳門兩地回歸祖國的廣東省政府禮品設計,人民大 involved in the development of society, economy and culture. In recent years, GAFA has undertaken more than 600 creation and design projects from governments, enterprises and public institutions. It created a great number of public art works with high social influence, including the city sculpture “Pioneering Bull” in Shenzhen, “Zhuhai Fisher 會堂廣東廳、中國人民解放軍海軍博物館、日本世博會中國館、上海世博會主題館 Girl” in Zhuhai, the statue of “Mao Zedong in Youth” on Orange Island in Changsha, 及山西館、海上絲路博物館、中國陶瓷琉璃館、長江文明館等設計工程和設計廣州 and Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. The academy 城市 LOGO 等。為展示國家形象、助力灣區文化建設、加快區域經濟轉型升級作 undertook the design of Guangdong Provincial Government’s gifts in commemoration of 出了重要貢獻。 Hong Kong and Macao’s return to the motherland, Guangdong Hall of The Great Hall of the People, PLA Navy’s Museum, China National Pavilion of Expo Japan, Theme Pavilions and Shanxi Pavilion of Expo Shanghai, Maritime Silk Road Museum of Guangdong, China Ceramics and Glass Museum, Changjiang Civilization Museum, etc. The city logo 對外交流 of Guangzhou was also designed by GAFA. All these efforts have rendered strong support for the image display of China, cultural construction of the Greater Bay Area and transformation and upgrading of regional economy. 學校已與英國、法國、俄羅斯、加拿大、美國、德國、義大利、比利時、瑞士、日 本、韓國、泰國、中國臺灣等國家和地區,與英國倫敦大學學院、格拉斯哥美術學 院、伯明翰城市大學、威爾士三一聖大衛大學,法國巴黎高等裝飾藝術學院,日本 千葉大學、東京藝術大學,俄羅斯列賓美術學院,臺北藝術大學等 50 餘所藝術院 校建立了交流與合作關係。學校選派優秀教師到國(境)外開展訪學進修、交流和 學術研究,與國(境)外合作院校互派學生進行交換學習、開展聯合培養專案,舉 辦各種類型的國際工作坊和講學活動,引進高水準美術設計展覽,舉辦高水準國際 INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES 學術研討會,聘請境外知名專家學者舉行講座和學術報告會。學校大力發展來華留 GAFA has forged close ties with more than 50 art colleges including University College 學生教育,實現綜合美術和設計創新等專業和方向全覆蓋招生。有序推進與國外高 London, The Glasgow School of Art, Birmingham City University, University of Wales 水準大學開展合作辦學,積極擴大對外開放,努力提高辦學國際化程度。依託學校 學科優勢,我校積極配合國家開展中外人文交流,在國際舞臺展示我校學術研究成 果和師生優秀創作,講好中國故事,傳播中國聲音。 Trinity Saint David, ENSAD, Chiba University, Tokyo University of the Arts, Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Taipei National University of the Arts in countries and regions including the UK, France, Russia, Canada, the USA, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan of China. GAFA regularly arranges excellent teachers and students to study, communicate or conduct academic research in other countries or regions. It also sets up exchange programs and cooperative training programs with overseas sister universities, launches international workshops and lectures, quality fine arts and design exhibitions and high-level international academic seminars, and invites renowned overseas experts and scholars to speak at the lectures and academic conferences. In addition, GAFA makes great efforts in improving education for international students and realizes enrollment in majors such as comprehensive fine arts and design innovation. It advances cooperation in running schools with high-level international universities in order, and opens itself up to enhance international education. Based on its academic and disciplinary advantages, it plays an active role in cultural exchange programs between China and other countries. By presenting its academic research achievements and the excellent works of its faculty members and students, GAFA has always been dedicated to sharing China stories by good communications and spreading China’s voice to the world. 社會服務 对外交流 SOCIAL SERVICES INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES 11 - 12 招生專業 PROGRAMS OFFERED 專業(招考方向) 年制 中國畫 4 院系 中國畫 Program (concentration) Length of schooling Chinese Painting 4 Chinese Painting (Mural) 4 中國畫(壁畫) 4 文物保護與修復(傳統書畫保存修復) 4 Cultural Relics Conservation and Restoration (Traditional Painting and Calligraphy Preservation and Restoration) 4 文物保護與修復(藝術品保護與修復) 4 4 文物保護與修復(材料與油畫修復) 4 Cultural Relics Conservation and Restoration (Artwork Conservation and Restoration) 繪畫(油畫) 4 Cultural Relics Conservation and Restoration (Material and Oil Painting Restoration) 4 繪畫(版畫) 4 繪畫藝術 Painting (Oil Painting) 4 學院 繪畫(書籍裝幀藝術) 4 Painting (Printmaking) 4 繪畫(水彩) 4 Painting (Book Binding) 4 繪畫(插畫) 4 Painting (Watercolor Painting) 4 雕塑 5 Painting (Illustration) 4 公共藝術 4 Sculpture 5 Public Art 4 實驗藝術 4 Experimental Art 4 攝影(攝影與數碼藝術) 4 Photography (Photography and Digital Art) 4 影視攝影與製作 4 Film and Television Photography and Production 4 戲劇影視美術設計 4 Theater, Film and Television Art Design 4 工藝美術 4 Arts and Crafts 4 工藝美術(漆藝) 4 Arts and Crafts (Lacquer Art) 4 工藝美術(金工與首飾) 4 Arts and Crafts (Metalworking and Jewelry) 4 陶瓷藝術設計 4 Ceramic Art Design 4 環境設計 4 Environmental Design 4 環境設計(裝飾藝術設計) 4 Environmental Design (Decorative Art Design) 4 產品設計 4 Product Design 4 Product Design (Dyeing and Weaving Art Design) 4 學院 雕塑與公共藝術 學院 跨媒體藝術 學院 工藝美術學院 建築藝術設計 學院 工業設計 學院 產品設計(染織藝術設計) 4 服裝與服飾設計 4 Clothing and Fashion Design 4 視覺傳達設計 4 Visual Communication Design 4 數字媒體藝術 4 Digital Media Art 4 藝術與科技 4 Art and Technology 4 動畫 4 Animation 4 注:1. 所有專業文理兼招; 2. 各專業辦學地點以當年的招生簡章爲準; 3. 實際招生專業以上級主管部門批複的當年專業爲準。 視覺藝術設計 學院 School School of Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Printmaking Department of Sculpture and Public Art Department of Experimental Art School of Industrial Design School Of Architecture, Art And Design School of Industrial Design School of Visual Communication and Media Design Note: (1) Students of both liberal arts and science are accepted for all programs. (2) The location of schooling is subject to our student recruitment brochure of the year. (3) The programs are subject to the approval of competent authorities of the year. (4) Please scan the QR code for details: 4. 专业介绍请扫描二维码查看 : 招生專業 PROGRAMS OFFERED 13 - 14