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2015 年暑期通识课程简介 上海财经大学 2015/5/1 目 模块一 录 经典阅读与历史文化传承 ......................................1 传统文学修养........................................................................................................................... 1 论语精读................................................................................................................................... 1 模块二 哲学思辨与伦理规范 .............................................2 生命科学中的伦理问题 ........................................................................................................... 2 中国古代思想........................................................................................................................... 3 中国哲学史概论....................................................................................................................... 4 模块三 艺术修养与运动健康 .............................................4 当代艺术与视觉文化............................................................................................................... 4 全球卫生健康议题................................................................................................................... 5 营养与健康............................................................................................................................... 6 中国艺术精神........................................................................................................................... 7 模块四 经济分析与数学思维 .............................................7 全球视野下的金融危机 ........................................................................................................... 7 中国金融市场........................................................................................................................... 8 中国商务................................................................................................................................... 9 中国商业文化实践................................................................................................................... 9 模块五 社会分析与公民素养 ........................................... 11 当代中国经济......................................................................................................................... 11 国际投资法............................................................................................................................. 12 镜头下的中国,1920-1990 年代 .......................................................................................... 12 媒介、健康与社会................................................................................................................. 13 全球化、国际政治经济及发展 ............................................................................................. 14 全球化与发展中国家............................................................................................................. 15 全球化与中国媒体和政治 ..................................................................................................... 16 全球化与中国青年文化 ......................................................................................................... 17 社会心理学............................................................................................................................. 19 社会学概论............................................................................................................................. 19 社交媒体和移动媒体时代的新闻学 ..................................................................................... 20 网络与政治............................................................................................................................. 21 中国当代外交史..................................................................................................................... 22 中国近现代史导论................................................................................................................. 23 模块六 科技进步与科学精神 ........................................... 23 改变世界的流行病................................................................................................................. 23 化学与中国文明..................................................................................................................... 24 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 环境科学导论......................................................................................................................... 25 能源与环境............................................................................................................................. 26 人体奥秘................................................................................................................................. 27 身边的基因科学..................................................................................................................... 28 模块七 语言与跨文化交流 ............................................... 29 国际关系导论......................................................................................................................... 29 美国城市治理......................................................................................................................... 30 II 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 模块一 经典阅读与历史文化传承 传统文学修养 授课教师:王小舒 教授 所属机构:山东大学 授课地点:上海财经大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-7 月 31 日 周一 1-3;周三 1-3;周五 1-4 课程简介: 以精选的中国传统文学作品为载体,充分调动学生本人的精神、情感活动, 以达到提高修养、完善人格之目的。整个课程按“恢宏的人文情怀、磊落的魏晋 风度、豪迈的盛世气象、深婉的诗人情韵、沉郁的家国忧患、挚热的情爱理想、 悲壮的英雄气概和率真的文人性灵”等八大主题设计,每一个主题都凝聚着中华 民族的人文情感,是民族精神的璀璨结晶。 教师简介: 王小舒,山东大学文学与新闻传播学院教授,博士生导师,山东省教学名师。 从教二十多年,一直在本科教学第一线。曾参加编写三种全国教材,开设面向全 校本科 生的文化素质类课程“传统文学修养”,分别于 2006、2007 年获评国家级 精品课程、国家级教学成果二等奖,教材《中华传统文学精要》进入国家十一五 建 设规划,课题组的全体教学人员获得山东大学优秀教学团队称号。参与开设 的另一门“中国审美文化史”课程,于 2007 年被评为国家级精品课程。2010 年获 评山东大学首届“我心目中的好导师”。 论语精读 授课教师:颜炳罡 教授 所属机构:山东大学 授课地点:上海财经大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-7 月 31 日 周二 1-3;周三 1-3;周四 1-4 课程简介: 1 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 《论语》精读”一课旨在通过对《论语》的讲授,使学生对孔子、对《论语》 有更为深入的了解,提高学生的人文修养和道德意识,拓展学生的心灵世界,变 化学生的生命气质,提高学生的生命境界。 教师简介: 颜炳罡,山东大学儒学高等研究院副院 长、教授、博士生导师。国际儒学 联合会理事、国际儒学联合会学术委员会委员、中国哲学史学会理事、中国孔子 基金会学术委员会委员、山东周易研究会副会长、 山东孔子学会副会长、 《孔子 研究》编委、韩国成均馆大学《儒教文化研究》编委、尼山圣源书院副院长等。 颜教授长期致力于中国哲学尤其是儒家哲学的教学与研究工作,曾多次应邀赴新 加坡、韩国、香港、澳门、台湾等国家和地区讲学、研究和出席国际学术会议。 模块二 哲学思辨与伦理规范 生命科学中的伦理问题 授课教师:瞿晓敏 副教授;朱伟 讲师 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-7 月 21 日 周一至周日 1-4 课程简介: 生命科学和技术是 21 世纪最重要的领域之一,它们的发展将引起医学、农 业、食品、制药业等发生革命性的变化。生命科学及技术的发展为人类造福,使 我们能够更为有效地预测、诊断、治疗和预防疾病,提高生活水平,改善生活质 量,延长健康生命,但同时它们也引起了一系列的社会、伦理和法律问题。这些 问题为我们提出了新的课题:在生命科学的研究过程中,如何尊重和保护人的尊 严、权利和正当利益,如何使生命科学的发展给人类带来的正效应最大化,负效 应最小化。 教师简介: 朱伟,复旦大学社会科学基础部讲师,在职博士,主要科研方向为生命伦理 2 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 学。2002 年-2004 年任哈佛大学公共卫生学院研究员(Research Fellow) 。2004 年获得美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)课题“中国伦理委员会现状研究”。近年来发 表了“生殖健康的伦理学基础:个人本位还是社会本位?” 、 “人类基因专利的伦 理问题” 、“论人群遗传学研究中的知情同意”、以及“谁来做决定?――论知情 同意原则在中国环境中的运用”(英文)等多篇论文。主译、参译及参编有关专 著多部。目前开设的课程有:生命科学发展中的伦理问题、生命伦理学、生物医 学研究伦理学、医学伦理学、马克思主义基础理论、科学社会主义理论与实践。 中国古代思想 授课教师:才清华 副教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 6-7(13:00 开始);周三 2-4;周四 6-7(13:00 开始) 课程简介: This course aims at giving a general account of Chinese classical thoughts and helping students to understand Chinese tradition and culture. It offers an introduction to some ancient schools of thought, mainly Confucianism and Daoism. These schools of thought have tremendous and lasting impact on the formation of the Chinese mind and will continue to shape the Chinese outlook on life in the future. Representative thinkers from each of these schools will be selected and introduced. Students are required to closely read the classical texts and some fundamental philosophical issues will be discussed. The comparative approach is highly encouraged in this course. 教师简介: Dr. Cai Qinghua received her PHD from Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She was invited as Visiting Scholar in Research Centre of Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010. Her research Interests include Metaphysics in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Taoism, China philosophy and history of philosophy of language.ged in 3 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 this course. 中国哲学史概论 授课教师:刘慕方 讲师 所属机构:上海财经大学 授课地点:上海财经大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日—7 月 31 日 周一 6-8;周三 6-8;周五 6-9 课程简介: 本课程主要着重于介绍中国哲学的发展历程,哲学学派的演变,主要哲学家 的哲学思想。 教师简介: 刘慕方,讲师。1991 年毕业于安徽大学,获哲学硕士学位。 1997 年毕业 于复旦大学,获哲学博士学位。 1997 年进入上海财经大学。目前主要从事中国 哲学研究。开设有 “马克思主义哲学原理”、 “中国哲学史概论”等课程。 模块三 艺术修养与运动健康 当代艺术与视觉文化 授课教师:杨孝鸿 副教授 所属机构:上海财经大学 授课地点:上海财经大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-7 月 31 日 周一 6-8;周三 6-8;周五 6-9 课程简介: 当今我们周遭充斥着各种图像,但是,我们常常并不知道它们到底在说什么, 它们表面的意图和内在的意图有什么不同?另外,当代艺术的发展也是与传统艺 术有着巨大的不同,无论是架上绘画的创作思想、方法及隐喻表现,还是行为艺 术、装置艺术等现代艺术的流行表现方式,这些都需要学生接触到、认识到,读 懂它,明白它,弄清其中的原由和艺术家意图表现的主题观念,及为什么要选择 这种表现手法和媒介运用。 4 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 教师简介: 杨孝鸿,副教授,中国民主同盟盟员,中国中外关系史学会、中国汉画学会 会员,南京艺术学院美术学博士。文艺学专业硕士生导师。 全球卫生健康议题 授课教师:Stephen Schensul 教授 Jean J. Schensul 客座研究教授 所属机构:康奈迪克大学医学院 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-8 月 7 日:周二 6-8;周四 2-4;周五 2-4 课程简介: This course will provide an overview of global health that includes the most prevalent diseases and health issues and their distribution, country and global population dynamics, the social and cultural context of disease and a review of the range of health services in low and middle income countries. Historical and current analysis of intervention programs to address global health problems will be presented. A methodology developed by the instructors will provide an approach to building student skills for health intervention design. Students will be asked to select a low and middle income (LMIC) country and apply course content and methods to an analysis of health problems in that country and approaches to prevention and treatment. One or two short readings will be required for each class drawn from published papers or book chapters. Each class session will begin with a discussion of the reading to be followed by lecture-discussion in which the instructors will provide a general orientation to the topic and case studies and encourage students to ask questions and make comments. The next component will be small group work in which an issue or problem will be presented and students will be asked to discuss it and develop potential solutions. A final component in some classes will be an oral presentation on the country and the health problem selected. Instructors will meet with each student or groups of students to assist in country and health problem selection. 教师简介: 5 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 Stephen Schensul is a professor at Department of Community Medicine and Health Care in School of Medicine of University of Connecticut.. From 1986, he has been a director at Center for International Community Health Studies in University of Connecticut. His research interests include alternative medical systems, Indian systems of medicine and Culturally-based concepts of health and illness. He is the principal investigator of a five-year (2007-2012) NIMH grant addressing the prevention of HIV/STI transmission within marriage in India. The project deals with culturally-based concepts of women’s health that show a significant association with a difficult life situation and HIV/STI risk. Jean J. Schensul is an adjunct research professor at School of Dental Medicine, University of Connecticut. From 2004, he has been a senior scientist and founding director at institute for community research. 营养与健康 授课教师:孙建琴 教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-8 月 7 日 周一 6-9;周三 6-9;周五 6-7 课程简介: 蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、膳食纤维的营养;维生素与矿物质的营养; 运动与营养健康;中国居民膳食指南;食物金字塔与膳食模式;儿童营养与膳食; 孕妇乳母与营养;老年营养;肥胖等疾病的防治 教师简介: 孙建琴,营养学教授,博士研究生导师,复旦大学附属华东医院临床营养中 心主任。担任中国营养学会理事、中国老年营养分会主任委员,上海市营养学会 副理事长、上海市临床营养专业主任委员;美国临床营养学会会员。长期从事医 学营养学的医-教-研-防工作,擅长各种疾病的营养治疗;肠内肠外营养支持;各 类人群的营养健康与疾病预防。科研领域涉及人群营养与健康、住院病人营养不 良与营养治疗,肠内肠外营养支持、营养与慢性病防治研究等方面。主持国家自 然科学基金、上海市科委科技发展基金、国际合作项目课题多项。发表 SCI 5 篇, 6 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 国内外发表学术论文数十篇,参加多部营养专业书籍的编写。担任《国外医学卫 生学分册》 、 《卫生研究》编委。 中国艺术精神 授课教师:陆扬 教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周二 2-4;周三 6-7(13:00 开始);周五 2-4 课程简介: This course is to discuss the inner spirit of Chinese art, and trace its relationship with traditional Chinese philosophy and culture. The course covers Chinese mythology, aesthetics, painting, film, as well as personal practice of Chinese painting and calligraphy. The goal of the course is to enhance students’ understanding of Chinese art and promote their aesthetic taste. Finally, the course will also give a map to show how “French Theory” travelled in China. 教师简介: Prof. Lu Yang received his Ph.D. in Literary Theories from Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University, 1990. He was invited as Visiting Scholar in Augustana College(U.S., 1993- 1994) and visiting scholar in Department of Philosophy, Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris (May – August 2000). His research interests include Aesthetics, literary theory and cultural studies. 模块四 经济分析与数学思维 全球视野下的金融危机 授课教师:朱祁 讲师 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 7 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周二 2-4;周三 6-7(13:00 开始);周五 2-4 课程简介: In this course, we will focus on why the financial crises had repeatedly occurred, how costly they are to the domestic and global economy, how different countries at different historical episodes dealt with them with common or their own unique politico-economic means and measures, and what is the implication for the financial crises to become globally contagious and in particular its ramifications for the Chinese economy that has been assumed immunity until most recently. 教师简介: Dr. Zhu Qi is an assistant professor at Fudan University. He received his PhD in Economics from Emory University. He has awarded Pu Jiang Scholar from Shanghai Municipal Government. He has got the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Research Grant (2011-2013). 中国金融市场 授课教师:张晓蓉 副教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 2-4;周二 6-7(13:00 开始);周四 2-4 课程简介: This course aims to provide students with an understanding of how the Chinese financial markets originated and developed, what reforms have been done, the Chinese characteristics, and the challenges and difficulties in future reforms. Starting with a comprehensive introduction, the course covers the major financial markets in China, including the central bank and the banking system, the security market and the foreign exchange market. Each market will be an individual topic, for which the instructor will review the fundamental concepts and theories, explain the history and facts, compare the domestic system with the international system, present examples and cases, and finally talk about the future reforms. 教师简介: 8 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 Prof. Zhang Xiaorong received her PhD in School of Management from Fudan University. She was invited as Visiting Scholars in Columbia University and MIT. Her research field includes financial market, funds, corporate finance. 中国商务 授课教师:何喜有 副教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 2-4;周二 6-7 (13:00 开始) ;周四 2-4 课程简介: The purpose of this course is to help students understand the dynamics of the business environment and business culture in China, and to help them develop their potential for doing business in China,especially regarding the direct investment and local operation in China. The course will cover: What are special points of the Chinese business environment? How to understand and approach the Chinese business culture? How to formulate entry strategy in China? How to operate local business and expand it in China? How to integrate the Chinese business with the global strategy? The course content will focus on the business environment analysis, investment strategies formulation and business model transformation. 教师简介: Dr. He Xiyou is associate professor at Fudan University. He received his PhD in International Business& Strategy from Seoul National University (SNU). His research interests include FDI & TNC; Industrial Catch up; E-business; Asian Economy & Business. 中国商业文化实践 授课教师:潘天舒 教授 朱剑峰 副教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 2-4;周二 6-7(13:00 开始);周四 2-4 9 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 课程简介: With a focus on the cultural dynamics of the Chinese marketplace, this course addresses a range of topical issues from the implications of globalization for everyday life in the context of unprecedented transformations, to the rise of entrepreneurship and consumerism in contemporary China, and to the relevance of values and morals for business practices. The key goal of this course is to provide a set of conceptual tools and a new perspective that will help students better describe and understand the local social world around you. In learning this new perspective, students will develop a critical, even “skeptical” view toward superficial explanations of take-for-granted practices by replacing common sense understanding of interpersonal interactions with an uncommon sense about the links between individual experiences, structural forces and particular marketplaces. Well-documented case studies and business ethnographies will be woven into in-class discussions as a way of grounding theory in marketing practices. Course readings will be arranged in weekly units around specific thematic issues. Discussions of the case study materials will be accompanied by presentations of the instructors’ research related to the application of anthropological, sociological methods of inquiry to business practices in different field settings. 教师简介: Prof. Pan Tianshu received his PhD in anthropology from Harvard University in 2002. He has taught sociology in Georgetown University and in School of Advanced International Studies(SAIS), Johns Hopkins University.His research field includes Development Anthropology; Medical Anthropology and Medical Humanities; The Anthropology of Business and Technology. Prof. Zhu Jianfeng received her BA and MA in law in China and PhD in anthropology from University of Minnesota. Her academic interests focus on medical anthropology, science and technology studies, as well as the broader issues of modernity and globalization. She recently published the paper "Mothering Expectant Mothers: Consumption, Production, and Two Motherhoods in Contemporary China"( Ethos 38). 10 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 模块五 社会分析与公民素养 当代中国经济 授课教师:李志青 讲师 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 6-7(13:00 开始) ;周三 2-4;周四 6-7(13:00 开始) 课程简介: This course is an introductory course for students being interested in China’s economic development. It will cover the retrospect of China’s economic short history after 1949, the transition from planning controlled system to socialist market-oriented economy, and the introduction of what is happening for current China’s economic development, along with main economic topics facing modern China. The course will consist of readings in China’s economic history and modern economy and the associated China’s culture along with student presentations and a term paper. 教师简介: Dr. Li Zhiqing, assistant professor in environmental economics and Chinese Economy, at School of Economics in Fudan University since 2003. He works as executive director of Center for Environmental Economic Studies of Fudan University since 2005 and executive secretary general of Shanghai Institute for Free Trade Zone Research since 2014. From Oct.2009-Jan.2012 Dr. LI worked at Yale University in USA and worked at Konstanz University in Germany from Jan.2006 to August 2006 both as visiting scholar after receiving Ph.D in environmental economics at Fudan University. During his stay at Yale University, he served for Fudan University Liaison Office at Yale campus as Fudan Univeristy’s representive in USA. Dr. Li do research focusing on economics of environment and climate change. He is also playing an active role in developing the low carbon economy theory and practice 11 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 in China. He is the author of 2 books and dozens of papers, articles, reports. 国际投资法 授课教师:梁咏 副教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周二 2-4;周三 6-7(13:00 开始) ;周五 2-4 课程简介: This course introduces the fundamental system and main principles, particularly the legal systems and the practice related to inbound investment and outbound investment of China after the Reform and Opening Up in 1978, as well as the interactions among foreign investment laws, other domestic laws, and international investment agreements. This course highlights case studies on prominent issues of investment practice involving China, focusing on investment dispute settlement mechanism. It aims at helping students achieve "knowing the law", "abiding by the law" and "applying the law". 教师简介: Prof. Liang Yong received her Ph.D. in Law in School of Law, Fudan University. As Visiting Scholars of Fox International Fellowship Program, during Aug, 2007 to Jun. 2008, she visited Yale University. Her research field includes International Investment Law, International Trade Law and the WTO Law. 镜头下的中国,1920-1990 年代 授课教师:HUANG Xuelei 讲师 所属机构:英国爱丁堡大学文学、语言和文化学院 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英语 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 6-7(13:00 开始);周三 2-4;周四 6-7(13:00 开始) 课程简介: 12 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 This is an interdisciplinary course that deals with history, cultural studies, and film studies. Students will view and analyze seven films produced in China between the 1920s and 1990s and learn how to use visual sources to understand historical phenomena. More specifically, the course will examine a number of important themes in modern Chinese history. The themes include class, gender, family, nation, revolution, tradition, and the people. The primary objectives of the class include: (1) to provide students with the materials and useful theoretical approaches to understand these important issues in modern and contemporary China; (2) to acquaint students with knowledge on the development of Chinese film history; (3) to sharpen students’ skills in analyzing and interpreting visual materials. 教师简介: Dr. Xuelei Huang is Chancellor’s Fellow (Assistant Professor) at the University of Edinburgh. She received her PhD from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. Her research interests include early Chinese cinema, social and cultural history of late Qing and Republican China. She has published widely on Chinese cinema and popular culture, including the monograph Shanghai Filmmaking: Crossing Borders, Connecting to the Globe, 1922-1938 (Brill 2014) and several essays in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Twentieth-Century China, and Transcultural Studies. Before taking up her current position in Edinburgh she was a postdoctoral researcher at Academia Sinica in Taiwan, a research fellow at the Nantes Institute for Advanced Studies in France and the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies in Vienna (IFK). She was awarded fellowships from the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation and the Gerda Henkel Foundation in Germany. 媒介、健康与社会 授课教师:Helena Sandberg 副教授 所属机构:瑞典隆德大学传播与媒介系 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-8 月 7 日:周一 2-4;周三 2-4;周四 2-4 课程简介: 13 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 What is health? What is illness? What can we learn from TV-shows like the Biggest Loser or medical docudramas such as the ER? Why do some medical conditions gain a lot of media attention while others are hardly mentioned? In this course we explore how media represents health, risks and medical conditions, and the consequences thereof. The course connects media and communication studies with the sociology of health and illness and public health. It provides students with basic knowledge of how different notions of health and illness are produced and reproduced within various media contexts, and with an understanding of the consequences of this role of the media in Western societies. The course is structured around different themes that are analysed and investigated by students individually and in groups, in seminars and practical workshops. The focus of the course is on critical analysis of media health content. 教师简介: Helena Sandberg is an associate professor in Media and Communication Studies at Lund University, Sweden. She has expertise in two fields of research: (1) media, food and health, and (2) children, advertising and digital media. She is, since 2010, the group leader of CAI@LU (Children, Advertising, and Internet at Lund University) funded by the Crafoord Foundation (Refno. 20100899) and the Swedish Research Council (Dr 421-2010-1982). 全球化、国际政治经济及发展 授课教师:Kamil Shah 讲师 所属机构:澳大利亚昆士兰大学政治与国际研究学院 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 6-7(13:00 开始);周三 2-4;周四 6-7(13:00 开始) 课程简介: This course explores international political economy (IPE) in an era of globalization. Students will gain an understanding of how the contemporary global economy is 14 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 shaped by transnational forces and flows, and how these impact on people’s lived experiences. The course begins by thinking about globalization and development in historical context, and by critically reflecting on various approaches to understanding the global political economy. We move on to examine the increasing financialization of the global economy and transformations in the international division of labor, including the impact of such changes on development outcomes and experiences. We examine the role of the state in an era of globalization and consider whether transnational corporate power and trends in global and supranational governance have eroded the policy sovereignty of nations. A further key set of questions concerns debates around contemporary social crises related to the global political economy. In this light, we study the sources of the instability in the international financial system, and consider what might be done to deal with such systemic problems. We examine the global political economy of agriculture taking account of current debates and conflicts related to the politics of food, land and environment. We also enquire into the lived experiences of laboring and surviving “informally” within the global economy. The course concludes by reflecting on transformations and key debates in global governance including the impact of emerging market economies and alter-globalization movements. 教师简介: Dr. Kamil Shah is a lecturer in International Relations and Development at the University of Queensland, School of Political Science and International Studies. 全球化与发展中国家 授课教师:Nicolas Foucras 教授 所属机构:墨西哥蒙特雷科技大学国际关系与政治系 授课地点:复旦大学 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 授课语言:英文 周一 2-4;周二 6-7(13:00 开始);周四 2-4 课程简介: 15 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 This course is designed to specifically address questions and concepts in the realm of international economic and political orders. The approach will focus on the ability for developing countries to be part of the global economy and will analyze the way they use to take advantage of the globalization to be able to consolidate the national building process. The course will also deal with multiple topics related to the globalization and its externalities for developing countries: international trade, regionalism and alliances, multinational firms, foreign direct investment, tax havens, culture and globalization, the role of civil society, environment, natural resources, food sovereignty, protectionism, etc. 教师简介: Nicolas Foucras is a professor in the Department of International Relations and Political Science at the University TEC de Monterrey in Mexico where he has been a faculty member since 2000. He is also member of the research center focused on Sustainable Development and an advisor for several public, private and social organizations. Nicolas completed his Ph.D. at Laval University (Canada). His research interests lie in the area of (1) globalization and developing countries and (2) sustainable development for local communities in a global context. In recent years, he has focused on social and cultural aspects of the globalization. He has collaborated actively with researchers in several countries and belongs to different academic networks in the Americas and in Europe. 全球化与中国媒体和政治 授课教师:沈国麟 副教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 6-7(13:00 开始);周三 2-4;周四 6-7(13:00 开始) 课程简介: This course introduces students to the background of China’s political institution and 16 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 culture and provides an overview of the relationship between China’s media and politics in a global context. By the end of the course, students will have acquired a broad perspective of China’s political communication and gain familiarity with China’s media system and its political consequences. Four general topics will be explored: media and China’s revolution; media policy; trajectory of media reform; media and international relation. For each topic, two lectures and one seminar will be conducted. Students will be divided into several groups, each of which will give a presentation on each topic. 教师简介: Guolin Shen is an associate professor at Journalism School, Fudan University and research fellow of Fudan Center for Information and Communication Studies.Awarded a Ph.D. Degree in Mass Communication in 2006, his interests focus on political communication and international communication. As a Fox International Fellow at Yale University from 2006 to 2007, He has published two books including Focus on Capitol Hill: U.S.Congress and media (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2005) and U.S. Government Propaganda via Media (Shanghai: Shanghai People Press, 2007) , which won the first class of award of Shanghai Social Sciences academic publication in 2008. He is also the translator of Copyrighting Culture: The Political Economy Of Intellectual Property(Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2009) and published his article, “Win-lose or mutual understanding: American public diplomacy toward China” in Philip Seib eds, American Public Diplomacy: Reinventing U.S. Foreign Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 全球化与中国青年文化 授课教师:SHEN Yipeng 讲师 所属机构:美国三一学院语言与文化研究系 授课地点:复旦大学光华楼西辅楼 404 教室 HGX404 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周二 2-4;周三 6-7(13:00 开始);周五 2-4 17 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 课程简介: This course deals with cultural and social interactivity of the past three decades between the historical deepening of China’s post-socialist reform and the vicissitudes of the culture of Chinese youth. In the four weeks of the course, each week is dedicated to one of the four distinctive and interrelated topics: food, sexuality, nationalism, and environment. In the week of “food”, the course explores the cultural politics of food by examining works such as Lu Wenfu’s The Gourmet and Ang Lee’s Eat Drink Man Woman. In the week of “sexuality”, the course ethnographizes recent Chinese dating culture ranging from urban night life, to the “leftover women” phenomenon, to the cultural sensation of If You Are the One (Fei Cheng Wu Rao). For the topic of nationalism, I analyze the ways the narration of the nation in Internet literature, film (e.g., Zhongguo Hehuoren), and television (e.g., Beijingren Zai Niuyue) gives rise to various public discourses of contemporary China, and defines social subjects such as netizens, media elites, and state-sponsored filmmakers. Last but not the least, the discussion of the “environment” week pivots around how young cultural workers engage environmental challenges China faces during its high speed development. Through the forms of documentary and feature films, these cultural workers reflect upon issues such as sustainable development and the balance of humanity and nature. The subthemes include eco-aesthetics, the relationship between water and politics, and the bioethics associated with the changing urban space. 教师简介: Dr. Shen Yipeng is an assistant professor at Trinity College. He received his PhD from University of Oregon, Eugene. His research interests include Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literary and Cultural Studies, Critical Theory, Mass Media Studies. He has published Public Discourses of Contemporary China: The Narration of the Nation in Popular Literatures, Film, and Television. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2015). He was awarded Visiting Senior Research Fellowship from National University of Singapore, and Faculty Research Grant from Trinity College. 18 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 社会心理学 授课教师:王鲁峰 讲师 所属机构:上海财经大学 授课地点:上海财经大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-7 月 31 日 周一 2-4;周三 2-4;周五 1-4 课程简介: 在心理学领域内,社会心理学关注个人的行为和思考如何受到社会背景即周 围其他人的影响。该课程探讨了许多不同的背景(例如小群体、人群和权威群体) , 并分析寻找能够解释这些背景型塑我们行为和思考的证据。该课程设计为社会心 理学的整体介绍,并集中在不同类型的社会背景如何影响人们的思想和行为。社 会背景包括一对一的互动,小群体情境、人群以及社会规范。课程中选择一些社 会心理学研究的具体主题进行讨论。除此之外,还将探讨社会心理学方法论和发 展历史。 教师简介: 王鲁峰,人文学院经济社会学系讲师。上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院博 士毕业,2011-2012 年在美国 Duke 大学社会学系访问一年。 社会学概论 授课教师:刘长喜 讲师 所属机构:上海财经大学 授课地点:上海财经大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-7 月 31 日 周一 2-4;周三 2-4;周五 1-4 课程简介: 本课程旨在通过系统讲授社会学知识,使学生理解社会学的产生及其学科地 位、社会学发展简史、文化与社会、人的社会化、社会群体与社会组织、社会分 层与社会流动、社会问题与社会控制、社会变迁等基本内容。培养学生运用社会 学的基本理论、基本方法观察、分析、解决社会问题的能力。 教师简介: 刘长喜,讲师。2005 年 7 月毕业于复旦大学经济学院,获经济学博士学位。 现为上海财经大学人文学院经济社会学系讲师,硕士生导师。研究方向为企业社 19 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 会学、农村社会学。 社交媒体和移动媒体时代的新闻学 授课教师:Jeff South 副教授 所属机构:美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学媒介与文化学院 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 6-7(13:00 开始);周三 2-4;周四 6-7(13:00 开始) 课程简介: In this course, students will examine the impact of social networking tools and mobile devices on news reporting. We will study social media platforms around the world, from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to Weibo, Renren and Tudou. We will look at how journalists are using those tools, as well as cellphones and tablets, to produce, distribute and promote news content. We also will examine how social and mobile media have empowered citizen journalists to report the news. Students will apply these theories and concepts by using their cellphones to create content (text, photos and videos) and attract and engage an online audience. 教师简介: Jeff South is an associate professor and director of undergraduate studies in the Robertson School of Media and Culture at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA. Before joining the faculty in 1997, he had been a reporter and editor for 20 years on newspapers in Texas, Arizona and Virginia. South teaches data journalism, political reporting and other courses at VCU. He received a Fulbright fellowship to teach journalism at Northeast Normal University in Changchun, China, in 2014 and a Knight International Press Fellowship to train journalists in Ukraine in 2007. South has conducted workshops for the Society of Professional Journalists, the Associated Press and other groups. 20 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 网络与政治 授课教师:Philip Habel 讲师 所属机构:英国格拉斯哥大学社会与政治学院 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-8 月 7 日: 周二 2-4;周三 2-4;周四 2-4 课程简介: The course will examine how information and communication technologies are used by citizens and politicians. We will ask how and why new media contributed to the quality of deliberation and the public sphere; we will address the relationship between Internet and political learning, and we will explore the extent to which media engender greater civic engagement and political participation. Our course will be cross-national and comparative, featuring studies related to Europe, the United States, the Middle East, Russia and the former Soviet Union, and China. By the end of this course students will be able to:  Critically analyse the role of new media in fostering civic and political engagement. This includes the contributions of new media to the quality of the public sphere and the marketplace of ideas, including whether new media increase the possibilities for an ideal speech situation, or whether new media contribute to greater incivility and discord  Critically defend or reject the idea that the Internet plays an important causal role in mobilizing citizens to participate, including discussions of the role of information communication technologies in the events such as the Arab Spring.  Analyse the role of new media in altering the information environment  Understand and critique the central methodologies in studies of the Internet 教师简介: Philip Habel is a lecturer in Politics at School of Social & Political Sciences, University of Glasgow. His research and teaching insterests include political communication, political behaviour, US politics, religion and politics, and research 21 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 methods. 中国当代外交史 授课教师:刘永涛 研究员 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 2-4;周二 6-7(13:00 开始);周四 2-4 课程简介: This course is designed to provide students with basic historical facts and figures about Chinese diplomacy. It is intended to give an introductory survey of Chinese diplomacy ranging from 1949 when the People’s Republic of China was established to the early 21st century. The course is devoted to a general overview of Chinese diplomacy from 1949 to the present in chronological way. Taking history metaphorically as a mirror and a text, the course examines major events, clues, and doctrines in China’s diplomacy at different phases in this part of the history. It also examines selectively China’s relationships with some countries in order to help students understand how Chinese foreign policy is performed and evolved empirically. The course will prepare students for a more meaningful understanding and appreciation of Chinese perspectives and approaches to international relations/affairs. At the completion of this course, students should be able to know some basic historical facts or data about Chinese diplomacy, and more importantly, to realize how the ideas and practice of diplomacy in modern China unfold in changing social and political contexts. 教师简介: Prof. Liu Yongtao received his Ph.D in World History, Fudan University. He has been invited as Visiting Scholars in Hong Kong University and University of Minnesota. And he has teaching experience in Korean University and Tecnologico de Monterrey. His research field includes U.S. government and politics, U.S. foreign policy, IR Theories. 22 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 中国近现代史导论 授课教师:司佳 副教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 6-7(13:00 开始);周三 2-4;周四 6-7(13:00 开始) 课程简介: This course will introduce students to a series of reforms carried out by different social and political groups in China in the 19th and early 20th century, when the last imperial dynasty was in imminent danger of falling apart. The course also examines the international relations between China and other major countries during the first half of the 20th century, helping students understand the historical significance of events before the eve of revolutionary Republican era, and the discourse of China’s modernization after the establishment of New China in 1949. 教师简介: Prof. Si Jia received her Ph.D. from Department of East Asian Studies, University of Pennsylvania in 2006. She was Lecturer in Department of East Asian Studies, University of Pennsylvania, and Visiting Assistant Professor in St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia during 2006-2007. Her research interests include Shanghai modern civil society, the history of publishing, cultural history and the history of reading. 模块六 科技进步与科学精神 改变世界的流行病 授课教师:赵根明 教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:中文 23 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 授课时间:7 月 13 日-7 月 30 日 周一 6-9;周三 6-9;周四 6-9 课程简介: 在人类历史上,疾病的流行对社会的经济发展和政治稳定起到了重要的作用 和影响,人类进步的历史也是与疾病不断斗争的历史。在过去的 100 多年中,人 类经历了各种各样的传染病和慢性非传染性疾病的流行,导致了大量人群的死亡, 同时也影响了社会的稳定和经济的发展。随着全球化和城市化进程的加速,人类 还将面临到各种疾病的危胁。本课程在系统阐述传染病和慢性病发展史的基础, 重点介绍近 100 多年来,严重危险人群身体健康和社会稳定的主要传染病和慢性 病,包括疾病的起因、传播方式、对人群的危害、疾病的主要原因、控制措施及 经验和教训等。 教师简介: 赵根明,教授、博士生导师,复旦大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室主任, 兼任上海预防医学会流行病学专业委员会主任委员、上海预防医学会理事、第二 轮上海市公共卫生学科带头人。从事流行病学教学和研究 25 年,曾在美国哈佛 大学、荷兰 Erasmus 大学和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校进修学习,多次在国际性学 术会议上作大会报告。已发表专业相关研究论著 80 余篇,其中国际专业期刊论 文 20 余篇。主要从事传染病和恶性肿瘤的流行病学研究工作,在血吸虫病流行 规律和干预措施评价等方面取得了显著成就,相关研究成果曾获教育部、中华医 学会和上海市科技进步三等奖。主讲预防医学本科生的《流行病学》课程,以及 研究生《临床流行病学》和《医学科研文献评阅方法》,以及全校公选课《中国 重大疾病的预防和控制》等课程。曾获上海市高校优秀青年教师、宝钢教育基金 优秀教师奖、中华预防医学会先进个人、全国地方病优秀跨世纪人才、复旦大学 本科教学名师、复旦大学优秀研究生导师和中国流行病学优秀奖等荣誉称号。 化学与中国文明 授课教师:高翔 教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-7 月 24 日 周一至周日 2-4 课程简介: 24 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 本课程在“中国文明”的贯穿或启蒙下,系统讲授化学基本知识,宏观到微 观再到宏观,结合化学的重要概念,如化学键、合成化学、元素化学、配位化学 等重要的研究领域及成果,充分阐释化学学说的曲折发展历程,同时撷取化学发 展过程中的重大人和事,讲授化学的科学思想和科学精神,同时阐明化学认识世 界的方式方法以及对中国文明进步的促进作用;结合历史上对我国化学事业或者 中国文明作出贡献的科学家或思想家,通过他们的人格魅力展示化学之美人文之 美;适当引入化学实验进一步加深理解走人化学;利用网络平台及讨论班建设, 加强课程的辐射性。 教师简介: 高翔,化学系教授,复旦大学教学名师,现任复旦大学基础教学化学实验中 心主任,化学系副系主任,有机化学博士,硕士生导师。高翔教授长期负责并主 讲化学类学生专业必修课“有机化学 A” (上海市精品课程,2004)和“合成化 学实验” (复旦大学精品课程,2008),有着丰富的教学经验及先进的教学理念, 参与的教改项目“理科化学人才培养基地的建设与教学实践”获上海市教学成果 二等奖(2005 年) ;两次获得复旦大学“复华化学学科奖” (2006,2002 年) ; 国家基金委人才培养基金“条件支撑项目” (2006 年)和“能力培养项目” (2007 年)主要成员。主持或合作、参与国家自然科学基金项目 4 项,国际合作项目 一项;参与编写《大学有机化学实验》(2006 年出版)是本课程的教材。 环境科学导论 授课教师:Mattanjah S. de Vries 教授 所属机构:美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校化学与生物化学系 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-8 月 7 日:周一 2-4;周二 2-4;周四 2-4 课程简介: This course will provide students with a basic understanding of the science that underlies the environment. It will introduce the science of climate change, including the facts and myths of global warming and its effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We will examine environmental impacts of fossil fuel and biofuel 25 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 technologies, recognize what affects the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere, understand what causes global developments, such as ozone depletion, acid rain, and ocean acidification, and explore the environmental costs of industrialized agriculture. By the end of the course, students will: 1. Be able to discuss environmental issues based on facts and basic understanding. 2. Be able to describe how the atmosphere influences climate on earth. 3. Be able to describe how sunlight and radiation influence climate on earth. 4. Be able to describe how different human activities influence climate on earth 5. Be able to identify the major problems affecting the environment and classify their causes. 6. Be able to discuss how and why the environment is changing, both locally and globally. 7. Be able to discern policies that affect the environment. 8. Be able to evaluate models that describe scenarios for the future. 教师简介: Mattanjah S. de Vries is a professor at department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara. He has been a member PCCP advisory board from 2012 and a member editorial board reviews in Analytical Chemistry from 2010. 能源与环境 授课教师:杨新 教授 陈宏 讲师 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 6 日-7 月 31 日 周一 2-4;周二 6-7 (13:00 开始);周四 2-4 课程简介: This course aims to provide an interdisciplinary introduction to the principles of energy, air pollution, globe climate change that help students understand the importance of various natural processes and human activities that shape the modern Earth and lead to global environmental change. We will also discuss the energy crisis, 26 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 alternative energy, the promising of nuclear energy, the air pollution of different energy sources, and the scientific bases for global change assessment and policy measures. Students will be exposed to the primary scientific literatures and scientific presentations. By the end of the course, students should have the knowledge of the energy and environment and try to find the proper way to solve those problems. 教师简介: Prof. Yang Xin received his PhD degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Prior to joining Fudan in 2006, he worked as a research scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA. He was awarded as “Yangtze River Scholar” by Ministry of Education of China in 2006.Dr. Yang’s research interests include the structure of micro-solvated complex anions and their interface behavior; physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosol; urban air quality; atmospheric chemistry and its impact on global climate. He has published over 80 peer review papers. Dr. Chen Hong received his PhD in Dept. of Chemistry, Xiamen University in 2002, and was Postdoctoral Research Associate in Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, from Nov. 2003 to Dec. 2005. Dr. Chen's research interests include the new technologies used in the atmospheric aerosol and the solving the problems of the environmental science; the study of physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosol; atmospheric chemistry and its impact on global climate. He has published over 20 peer-reviewed SCI papers. 人体奥秘 授课教师:谭玉珍 教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-7 月 31 日 周二 1-4;周三 1-4;周四 1-4 课程简介: 本课程利用大量精美的图像、内容丰富的多媒体课件讲授人与大自然的关系、 人体结构、功能与疾病的关系,人体发生发育及其与现代医学科学研究进展的关 27 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 系、密切结合目前广泛开展的干细胞研究、组织工程和生殖工程等最新研究成果, 阐述干细胞的基本概念、分化调控机制以及临床应用前景,以及干细胞与肿瘤发 生和发展的关系等。使学生了解人体具有永远探究不完的奥秘,从而激发学生的 求知欲望和创新意识,培养学生对科学事业的探索精神和奉献精神。 教师简介: 谭玉珍,复旦大学上海医学院教授、博士生导师。主要科研方向为干细胞分 化与心肌修复治疗和心血管分子生物学。曾赴日本留学并获甲级博士学位。主编 上海市科技专著出版资金资助专著《实用心脏解剖学》、双语教学配套丛书《英 汉组织学与胚胎学词典》和全国高等医药院校研究生教材《实用细胞培养技术》 等,主译《精编细胞生物学实验指南》 ,编写全国研究生规划教材《组织和细胞培 养技术》 、《医学分子生物学》等,参译《动物细胞培养》 (第四、五版)等。发 表科研论文 120 余篇。先后获省部级科技进步一等奖 2 项、三等奖 5 项。2007 年获复旦大学优秀研究生导师奖,并被评为复旦大学比翼双飞模范佳侣。 身边的基因科学 授课教师:卢大儒 教授 所属机构:复旦大学 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:中文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-8 月 5 日 周一 11-13;周二 11-13;周三 11-13 课程简介: 该课程是在较系统介绍遗传与基因的一些基本知识的基础上,着重介绍基因 及基因技术的发展,基因在人类生命发展进化及社会生活中一些具有重大意义的 发现和在此过程中所体现出来的生命情怀、哲学思想和创新思维。以及与基因有 关的一些社会伦理道德论题及基因在人类社会中生动、有趣的应用。 教师简介: 卢大儒,复旦大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师,全国优秀教师,全国师 德先进个人,上海市教学名师。主要科研方向是人类医学分子遗传学。主编出版 了主编《医学分子遗传学》 、 《基因治疗》, 《生物芯时代》 , 《揭开生命奥秘》, 《基 因与疾病》和《基因与人类健康》。先后发表 SCI 论文近 200 篇,获得国家自然 科学二等奖、国家技术发明二等奖,在教学方面,获得国家级教学成果二等奖, 28 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 指导大学生获得 5 届全国大学生挑战杯最高奖。此外,获得全国优秀博士论文、 中国青年科技奖、国家百千万人才工程国家级人选等。现任复旦大学生命科学学 院副院长,现代人类学教育部重点实验室副主任及复旦大学内分泌与糖尿病研究 所副所长等职。 模块七 语言与跨文化交流 国际关系导论 授课教师:Roberto Carlos Gutierrez Martinez 副教授 所属机构:墨西哥蒙特雷科技大学国际关系与政治系 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-8 月 7 日: 周二 6-8;周四 2-4;周五 2-4 课程简介: This is an introductory course in the study of international relations. The goal of this course is to be familiar with the concepts, ideas, and analytical tools necessary to understand state behavior and relationships among actors in the international arena. In this course we will look at the major concerns, issues, and players that characterize world politics. For instance, we will examine various theoretical explanations for state behaviors, such as realism, liberalism, and constructivism, as well as the historical context of contemporary international relations. We will use these theories to analyze the forces that affect state behavior and address some of the most pressing questions in international affairs. In order to understand connections among states, we will explore vital topics such as war, cooperation, international political economy, terrorism, and the forms of conflict that characterize the international system. 教师简介: Roberto Carlos Gutierrez Martinez is an associate professor in International Relations and Politics at ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México). He has over 14 years of experience in the private and public sectors. He has considerable expertise in 29 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 diplomacy and regional affairs, due to his work for the Mexican government at the Embassies for Canada and Czech Republic, his service as Advisor to the Secretary for Political Affairs at the Organization of American States (OAS) and as Analyst for the consulting firm Kissinger-Mclarty Associates. He is also a senior lecturer on geopolitics, international political economy, international relations, major trends in global affairs and economics. 美国城市治理 授课教师:Robert Baker 教授 所属机构:美国威登堡大学政治学系 授课地点:复旦大学 授课语言:英文 授课时间:7 月 13 日-8 月 7 日:周一 2-4;周二 2-4;周四 2-4 课程简介: Metropolitan governments are integral components of America’s contemporary federal system. For most of the country’s early history, rural forces and people shaped American politics, but within the last century, powerful urban forces have been shaping the American political landscape. This has had profound political, economic, and social effects across the states. In light of this increased metropolitanization, this course will examine politics in the American cities from both historical and contemporary perspectives. The principal objective is to explore how changes in urban political structures and processes have affected the way services are delivered at this most basic level of government. Specifically, by the end of the course students will be able to: 1. describe the emergence of urban government in America, including its structure, 2. understand and describe the rise of ethic and machine politics in American cities; 3. describe the rise of the reform movement and decline of political machines; 4. understand and describe how housing and transportation policies helped create the modern segregated and fragmentation metro areas in America; 5. understand and describe the strategies that urban minority groups have used to gain political power and incorporation; 30 2015 年暑期通识课程简介 6. describe the basics of sprawl, suggestions for minimizing it, and how it creates local government fragmentation in American urban areas; 7. describe the types of budgeting and revenue forecasting methods used by local governments in urban metro areas; and 8. understand and describe the typical trade-offs characterized in the local government budgeting process. 教师简介: Rob Baker is a professor of Political Science and has taught at Wittenberg since 1987. In 2010-11 he served as the Interim Faculty Director for the Hagen Center for Civic and Urban Engagement. He chaired the Department of Political Science from 1996-2003, and was Director of the Urban Studies Program from 1994-1996. He is the recipient of the 2011 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching, the 1990 Omicron Delta Kappa Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the 2005-2006 Melvin Latch Faculty Scholar Award. 31
