上海财经大学留学生奖学金申请表 Scholarship Application for International Students at SUFE 个人信息 Personal Information 姓名(Name): 学号(Student Number): 国籍(Nationality): 专业(Major): 原班级(Class of last semester): 声明 Statement 我保证遵纪守法。如果我获得奖学金,愿意加入留学生志愿者队伍并参加志愿者活动。 I ensure I comply with the law.If I become a scholarship student, I'd like to be a volunteer and partici[pate in public welfare activities. 申请人签名(Signature): 参加集体活动情况 Participation of Activities 推荐教师意见 Teachers’ Recommendations (说明:请两位任课老师填写。This part should be filled out by two of your teachers.) 教师签名: 教师签名: 学院意见 签名: 注意:请按时上交表格到学生科办公室,否则,不作为奖学金申请候选人。 Attention:Please hand in on time,otherwise you will not be seen as a candidate.